Act Now – Georgia Pathways Renewal Application Public Comment Deadline Extended by DCH

March 7, 2025
Contact: Anna Britt

New Opportunity for Public Comment on Georgia Pathways® Renewal Application

State Adds a Third Public Hearing and Extends Electronic Public Comment Submission Deadline to March 19, 2025


Natalie Crawford, Founder & Executive Director of Georgia First and Chair of the BRIDGE Georgia coalition, released the following statement today: 

“This week, the Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH) announced that they reopened the public comment period for the Section 1115 Demonstration Waiver Extension Application to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for Georgia Pathways to Coverage® (Pathways) until March 19, 2025. It is essential for Georgians to weigh in on the necessary improvements to the Pathways program to ensure that the program is as effective as possible and that we are taking a fiscally responsible approach to closing our coverage gap.

The Pathways program, initially projected to enroll 30,000 within its first year of implementation, enrolled approximately 6,500 in the first 18 months of the program. The costs to taxpayers to date is over $86.9 million, three quarters of which has gone to consultants, instead of paying for Georgians to receive care.

We appreciate DCH’s and Governor Kemp’s proposed changes to Pathways that will help improve access to coverage and care and streamline enrollment. However, we believe Georgia can do better. We are encouraging the state to go further and make additional reforms to reduce barriers to coverage, ensure fiscal efficiency, and prioritize policies that reflect the realities of caregivers and older adults. In Georgia First’s public comment, we urge DCH to consider expanding work exemptions to include caregivers of children over age six and of aging or ailing loved ones, and reducing bureaucratic red tape by replacing monthly work activity reporting with annual certification.

This public comment period is an important opportunity that comes at a time when so much is at stake for Georgia’s economy and the health of our population. Over 800,000 Georgians currently receive fully subsidized premiums through Georgia Access marketplace tax credits, but these federal Enhanced Premium Tax Credits (EPTCs) are set to expire in 2025. Without reauthorization by Congress, Georgia’s already high uninsured rate would increase, the state would lose an estimated 28,000 jobs, and see a loss of $5.5 billion in economic output in 2026. With additional federal uncertainty about the future of the Medicaid program, now is the time for our state leaders to ensure they are doing everything possible to chart a strong path forward for the future of Georgia’s economy and the health of all Georgians.

That’s why it is critical — now more than ever — that people make their voices heard and urge policymakers to improve the Pathways program so that it better supports Georgia’s fiscal and health goals.”

Those who wish to weigh in can provide oral comments in-person on March 17, 2025, or submit comments via email to with “Pathways Comments” in the subject line before March 19, 2025. Read here for more information on the Pathways renewal application, and complete details for the March 17 public hearing location and Zoom access information:


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